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School fees 2024/2025
The school fees below apply to the 2024/25 academic year (30 weeks). You can pay the fees either a single annual payment or split into three term payments.
Online classes (Tuesday)
In-person classes (Saturday)
Le Petit Théâtre in-person workshops (Friday)
We offer a discount for large families: 20% reduction for two children and 40% reduction for three or more children.
For families entitled to Free School Meals through their School Council, La Petite École offers reduced registration rates. Contact us at the time of registration for more information.
Payment terms
Payments are made by bank transfer only to the Petite École account, indicating as reference your invoice number followed by your family name.
Name: La Petite Ecole
Sort code: 80-22-60
Account number: 14071065
Bank name: Bank of Scotland plc
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